Scientific experiments have proven that our Emotions, Thoughts and Feelings, profoundly affect EVERY 'THING' and EVERY 'ONE' on our planet and indeed the Universe.
It has also been proved that Mass Meditation focused on one situation does without doubt, change the vibration by creating a grid of energy that remoulds the situation and changes it from one state to another. Hate to Love - War to Peace etc.
I propose that all Light workers unite and gather together for a bi monthly Meditation at the Full Moon and New Moon. Focusing on creating a wave of Love, Peace and Unity during the 3 day portal over the moon cycles.
We are all ONE, what we think and do affects everyone. Its time to UNITE in creating the change we wish to see in the world.
How many here would be willing to give 10 mins (min) twice a month to make a difference?
Join us as we celebrate the New Moon.
A time to cleanse away the old, outdated in readiness to Manifest your goals.
**Time zones do not make a difference, if you set your intent to join your energy with ours, for Peace, Love and Harmony across the globe, then it will be so. If anyone works with Reiki, send it forward or backwards in time using the distance symbol.
If you wish to join us at 6pm your time, wherever you are in the world is the designated time. If that time is not convenient then please join us at whatever time is suitable for you. Intention is the key.
Preperation for the Meditation.
* Candle
*Clear Intent.
Collective Prayer to ground your intention with and to focus the mind.
“In the name of the great I AM, I call to beloved Saint Germain, the guardian of the Violet Flame, to saturate the world with waves upon waves of Violet Fire, to infuse every particle of life, every man, woman and child, the animals, the trees, the elementals, the nature spirits, the plant kingdom and all the kingdoms living/non living on this planet in an auric field of Violet Flame to protect and to awaken them. I ask that this action be sustained until perfection is restored. And so be it.”
Please turn off all other distractions, TV, Phones etc.
Take 3 deep breaths breathing LOVE in and GRATITUDE out. Centre yourself in your HEART Space and focus on visualising/Feeling the Earth/Humanity/Nature as ALREADY being healed, in Balance, Peace and Harmony. Draw on all of your senses, sight, imagine what the world looks like now its transformed! See communities forming, Love spreading, Peace amongst all man and the animal kingdom, dis-ease dissolved, health wealth and harmony resounds across the the planet. Breathe in the clean air and touch your surroundings. Allow the feelings to build throughout your body, raising YOUR vibration, then extend it out into the world. Before closing your meditation, give thanks for the beautiful, safe, peaceful world we live in. ♥
Please share widely.
May your day be blessed.
Maria. ♥